30 June 2006

News June 06

29 June 2006:

Israel's invasion of the Gaza Strip (2):

The White House has said that "Hamas must shoulder the blame for this". This is the usual sick
nonsense from that quarter. World history did not start last Sunday nor did the conflict between
Israel and the Arabs start with the abduction of this soldier. About 20 palestinian civilians have
been killed by Israel during the last few weeks and the 100 women and 300 teenagers currently
among Israel's total of 8,000 palestinian prisoners were civilians abducted from their homes or from
the street. By the american logic, it would therefore be reasonable for Hamas, as the fairly and
democratically elected government, to invade Israel and retrieve all its own people from israeli jails -
if only civilized nations would give them the military power to do so.
Collateral damage to israeli civilians should be considered "a price worth paying" and after all,
they did not have to get involved, did they? A civilized world would apply the same rules to
everybody and to all conflicts.

For Hamas and Abbas to appeal to "the International Community" and the UN etc is decent
and understandable but wishful thinking. The collective West has had several decades to
resolve the conflict - and failed miserably. The illegal and brutal occupation resulting from
Israel's expansion in 1967, based on massive pre-emptive strikes, will have endured a tragic 40
years next year - in itself a terrible indictment of the world in which we live and the organisations
we have established to make this world a better place.

The palestinians will be waiting in vain for the "civilized world" to make Israel comply with
international law, although it could and should do it, through an escalating series of events:
diplomatic demands, outstanding UN Security Council resolutions (and they are MANY!),
economic and cultural sanctions, the threat of being removed with military force and, still failing
compliance, actual removal with that same 'massive military force' with which Saddam Hussein
was removed from Kuwait.
Can anyone think of a single valid reason to treat Israel differently??

Hamas and the rest of the palestinians should abandon the West, as the West has abandoned
them, and look exclusively to the arab and wider muslim world for solidarity and help, and if the
West and its illegitimate foster-child Israel tries to block any aid, be it financial or practical
(America has already announced it would take "punitive measures" against arab banks found to
be channeling money to the Hamas government), simply ignore their rantings, go ahead and do
it and adapt to the consequences - so long as the developed, and the rapidly developing, world
is addicted to oil, and that will remain the case for at least a generation to come, it needs the
muslim world much more than the other way round, so a low-to-no-risk strategy for the collective
Islamic World. Make it happen, and the sooner the better!!

28 June 2006:

Israel's invasion of the Gaza Strip (1):

Here we go again:
Following Israel's invasion of the Gaza Strip -the world's largest prison- in order to retrieve the
abducted soldier, the White House said Israel had "the right to defend itself". Excuse me, how
many times have we heard superpower USA utter this sick phrase in impotent acceptance of
whatever microscopic Israel does? And what has 'Israel defending itself' got to do with launching
an invasion to recover just one single person, and that before diplomacy or negotiations have
been given half a chance? Israel is currently believed to have about 100 women and 300
under-18s among its more than 8,000 palestinian prisoners. Are we to believe that all those
women and teenagers are "dangerous enemy combatants" as the paranoid US calls their
detainees at Guantanamo?
Israel has done prisoner-exchanges on numerous occasions in the past but apparently this
time such a rational move does not fit in with its dark plans.

What has destroying public infrastructure like water and electricity plants and bridges got to do
with finding that soldier? Nothing, it is collective punishment pure and simple, which is illegal.
It is also wanton destruction which seems to be the only thing Israel is really good at.
Yet again Israel is showing us its true face, the face of barbarity, and yet again the world looks
away in denial. It is up to the wider world to rein in the state terrorism of Israel (and of the US)
and anyone failing to do what they can, whether nation or individual, is at least partially guilty
of those atrocities.

Here we go again:
When we then also hear that Shin Bet, the secret service, had warned of this attack, it starts to
add up. Israel probably let it happen because it would be a perfect excuse to do something
-regionally making absolutely sure that Israel's greatest fear, a fair settlement according to
international law, could yet again safely be ruled out, at least for the foreseeable future, and,
Yahweh be praised, yet again the palestinians could be blamed for it,
-and internationally showing us all that heroic little Israel is fighting on the front line in the War
on Terror for the security of the whole world.

11/9 (9/11 to americans but they always do -and get- things the wrong way round) was at
least partially "an inside job" (the 3 tower collapses alone are proof: they were indisputably
controlled demolitions) giving America the longed-for excuse for the illegal and brutal invasions
and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq.

You see the similarity? This abduction already looks like a sort-of "mini 11 September" and,
if indeed it is, was no doubt engineered and staged for the very same kind of crude, primitive,
evil purposes.

Did the israelis obligingly dig all or part of the tunnel, as it were, meeting the palestinians halfway?

Israel has no partner for peace because Israel seeks neither a partner nor peace!

27 June 2006:

Bush and Cheney should explain themselves:

Bush and Cheney are both squealing at the moment, mainly at The New York Times, for
publishing details about yet another covert scheme, this one quite possibly legal for a change,
but collectively eating away at basic civil liberties in the 'Land of the Free' (as it maybe once was).

The Times insists it weighed up the situation carefully but in the end ignored "recommendations"
(read: heavy pressure) from the White House and went ahead and published "in the wider public

GWB finds it "disgraceful" and Cheney apparently feels "offended" by the disclosure, they say
"it has made the job of defending against further terrorist attacks more difficult by insisting on
publishing detailed information about vital national security programs" and that it represents a
"highly unusual departure from the practice of newspapers honouring the secrecy of sensitive
matters during wartime".

Wartime? What war? Oh, the War on Terror, that's right, how could I forget, but thanks for
reminding me:
Now, rather than moaning about a newspaper doing its job, Bush and Cheney should once and
for all tell America and the world what they know about 11 September 2001 and if they will not
speak about it willingly, tens of millions of americans should DEMAND that they do:
- where was Cheney that morning and why had he temporarily assumed overall command of
NORAD on 1 June?
- where was NORAD? It is simply not credible that several large planes could go walkabout in
american airspace for over an hour unnoticed, unchallenged, unhindered.
- what really hit the Pentagon? Surely not a large commercial aircraft!
- what caused the towers, WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7, to collapse at virtual free-fall speed?
To anyone who believes in the laws of physics, the official version is untenable and laughable.

The Official Commission Report answers none of these, nor a host of other strange anomalies,
and the time is long overdue for the world to demand adequate answers, demand the truth,
partially as answers in themselves but also seen in subsequent perspective:
those attacks became the direct excuse for the illegal and brutal invasions and occupations of
Afghanistan and Iraq, although no evidence whatsoever has been presented that Osama bin
Laden, al-Qaeda, the Taleban or Saddam Hussein had anything to do with them.
Very strange isn't it?
Logic and reason both suggest that it was indeed "an inside job" and the onus is on the Bush
administration to prove to the world that it was not, just like Saddam Hussein had to prove his
lack of WMDs.

26 June 2006:

"BRUNO the Bear" shot dead in Bavaria:

Now, all this lovely creature -the first wild bear to be seen in Germany since 1835- had done
wrong was to go walkabout, probably without proper travel documents, from his home in Italy,
first into Austria and then into Germany, where he apparently molested and killed "dozens" of
sheep, a few chickens, raided a rabbit hutch and a beehive, frightened a few people, and sat
for a while outside a village police station.
The plan was to "dart" him and return him to Italy but he was declared a security risk by the local
authority and consequently legally shot by hunters.
One local resident said the bear was harmless and that the alpine cows would chase him away.

Now, compare this modest list of misdemeanours with the massive catalogue of war crimes and
other crimes against humanity, by, amongst others, the leadership of America, Britain and Israel,
and the question logically arises: why can't we, in a civilized society, declare such people security
risks and have an "open season" on them? Sorry, it is not meant as a joke.

If it were a straight choice between keeping Bruno or Georgie, I would keep Bruno and he would
be welcome to come and live with me!

25 June 2006:

Israeli soldier seized in palestinian raid:

If the israeli soldier seized this morning in a raid by palestinian militants on an army post near
Kerem Shalom at the southern end of the Gaza Strip is indeed still alive, as reported, it will be
the first time since 1994, that is in 12 years, that this has happened and, whatever the outcome,
it is most embarrassing for Israel to have any of its armed forces personnel abducted.

Just think about it: the raiders dig a 300 metre long tunnel under the fence, they drag and push
all their equipment (including a video camera!) through that tunnel as they crawl along, they then
appear on the israeli side and start attacking an APC (which happens to be unmanned) and a
tank with a crew of 3, killing 2 and making off with the 3rd. Apparently the raiding party was about
8 strong, 2 of whom were killed during the gunfight.

It was more than bold, it was reckless, it was magnificent, it was heroic!
You have to give them 10 out of 10 for perseverance!

Just assume for a moment that these raiders were US soldiers of the Coalition of the Killing,
attacking an insurgent camp in this way in Afghanistan or Iraq. They would be due for medals
for the highest valour, would be applauded by everybody and probably, on their return to America,
greeted personally by the President and the Defense Secretary for setting an example for all to

As it is, they will no doubt be condemned around the world as brutal arab islamic terrorists.
If you think the world is insane, you are quite right!

The raid has already been described by PM Ehud Olmert as "a very serious Hamas terrorist attack".
It is of course nothing of the sort as the targets were exclusively military ones.
But what do you call it when Israel raids a prison in Jericho and abducts several inmates
wanted by Israel, or raids a hospital in the West Bank and abducts an injured militant?
Currently, there are apparently about 100 women and 300 teenagers among Israel's more
than 8,000 palestinian prisoners. How did they get there? Why are they there?
Israel calls it self-defence and the wider world, mostly, says nothing but we should all call it
what it is: state terrorism.

Do I personally approve of the palestinian raid?
Well, the palestinians have been daily brutalized for decades under the illegal occupation, and
are now possibly the first people in history to simultaneously be under economic sanctions, and
that for no other "crime" than exercising their democratic rights, so encouraged by the West.
Do we really expect them just to sit there and do nothing as their resistance fighters, their men,
women and children, are picked off one by one in extra-judicial killings, "collateral damage",
target practice etc??

The palestinians are in an impossible situation and that they react in this way should surprise
nobody. Whatever else it may be, it is very human, healthy and understandable.

A question:
What is a young man of 19, in truth still a boy, doing there being part of a tank crew?

And another question please:
Why is there no UN peacekeeping force or 'separation force' in Israel-Palestine?
Has it ever been suggested and, if so, seriously debated in the Security Council?
Of all the conflict zones in the world, that is where it is most desperately needed.

23 June 2006:

Near-miss for danish defense chief:

In northeastern Afghanistan, a danish military convoy ferrying the country's defense chief was hit
by a roadside bomb, the danish army said. No one was wounded, but the blast lightly damaged
an armoured vehicle carrying the country's army chief, who was visiting a danish unit.

Question: if his vehicle had taken a direct hit and he had been killed, would Denmark have
pulled its c 350 soldiers out of Afghanistan completely and immediately?

23 June 2006:

Ready to RUMBLE:

According to scientists, the southern part of the 1,300 km long San Andreas fault in California is
overdue for a large earthquake. This end of the fault has not experienced a major rupture for at
least 250 years and is now primed for a release of the built-up tension.
As one of the researchers put it: "The southern section of the fault is fully loaded for the next big
event", but they cannot predict when another quake is likely to strike.
At a 'slip-rate' of approx. 25mm annually, and in the absence of a rupture for centuries, the fault
has built up a 'slip-deficit' of 5.5-7m.

Whilst wishing nobody dead (with the usual handful of exceptions!), wouldn't it be nice if all this
pent-up energy were to rip all at once, the closer to Los Angeles the better?
It would serve several purposes, all desperately needed these days:

-it would show the megalomanic americans that even the world's hyper-mega-superpower is
powerless when confronted with the raw forces of Nature (like Katrina did last year but americans
have very short and poor memories, so need frequent reminding),

-a disaster of such enormous proportions at home just might distract the americans, at least for
a while, from their Project for the New American Century (read: re-engineering the world to suit
ourselves and our zionist masters),

-it would bring home to at least some americans what it feels like when houses collapse around
them and on top of them, a common event in Afghanistan and Iraq though not through natural
forces but thanks to american state terrorism.

And it WILL happen - but WHEN?? Can you hear something.....?

22 June 2006:

Former US Defence Secretary urges preemptive strike on North Korea's missile site:

Former defense secretary William Perry has called on President Bush to launch a preemptive
strike against the long-range ballistic missile that US intelligence analysts say North Korea is
preparing to launch.
In an opinion article that appears in today's Washington Post, Perry and former assistant defense
secretary Ashton Carter argue that if North Korea continues launch preparations, Bush should
immediately declare that the United States will destroy the missile before it can be fired.
Perry and Carter said: "We believe diplomacy might have precluded the current situation,
but diplomacy has failed, and we cannot sit by and let this deadly threat mature".

Here we go again:
Further to my comments on this matter from June 17 and June 21 (below), America really is the
most hysterically paranoid nation on earth. The fascist clowns in Washington really do seem to
believe that "either you are with us or against us" and, if they determine in their psychotic fears
that someone or something is against them, their first thought is simply blowing it away.
What sick minds! What pathological killers! Why is America so desperately insecure?
What is it really so afraid of?
Compare this with the attitude of Israel: it is identical, making them perfect partners in crime!
It must be said though, in Israel's favour, that it is microscopically tiny compared with America.

21 June 2006:

America's new warning to North Korea:

GW Bush has told North Korea to abide by agreements it has made to avoid testing missiles,
saying "This is not the way you conduct business in the world", and "It should make people
nervous when non-transparent regimes who have announced they have nuclear warheads,
fire missiles," and that Pyongyang must realise there are "certain international norms" to live by.
Oh really? What does GWB know about any of that?

What GWB and his neo-cons neo-fascists neo-Crusaders fail to see, or more likely refuse to see,
is that precisely because of America's brutal behaviour when faced with anything less than
compliance from any quarter, nations like North Korea and Iran are provided with not only the
excuse but the imperative to acquire not only WMDs but equally importantly, the means to deliver
them at a "suitable distance". Would America and its lackeys have invaded Iraq if they had known
that Saddam had nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them where it would really hurt?
It is crystal clear that, by its very nature, current american foreign policy makes the world a MUCH
more dangerous place, as exemplified by America's self-inflicted, self-chosen "War on Terror"
which so obviously in truth is a "War OF Terror", and the sooner the leadership in Washington is
"decapitated" the better for us all!!

There are FAR more serious threats to world stability than North Korea (and Iran): the most
obvious being the brutal neo-colonialism of America and its lackeys in the Coalition of the Killing.
It is staggering and sickening hypocrisy for GW Bush to say that Pyongyang must realise there
are "certain international norms" to live by!! GWB, totally illegally, has invaded and occupied 2
sovereign nations which were no threat to the US, called the US Constitution "just a darn piece
of paper", is responsible for Abu Ghraib, Bagram, Ishaqi, Haditha, Guantanamo, extraordinary
rendition, and supports Israel unconditionally in all its illegal and barbaric schemes in complete
contradiction of American national interests and in contravention of the Geneva Conventions,
basic UN statutes etc etc. Yes GWB, there ARE certain international norms to live by and the
time for America to comply with civilized conduct at home and abroad is long overdue!

Instead of inviting him to Vienna for the red carpet treatment, the EU should have flown him in
handcuffs straight to the Hague!!

21 June 2006:

Another success story for America:

In Afghanistan's Kunar province, "coalition troops" (american??) have fired on an unmarked
police vehicle at a checkpoint yesterday, killing 3 afghan police officers and wounding 3 more.

Hooray!! Aren't they clever!
We were told recently that the occupiers would now make extra efforts in order to win the
"Hearts and Minds" of the afghan people - what a wonderfully friendly way to go about it.

It seems more and more appropriate to describe the Coalition of the Willing as
the Coalition of the Killing.

21 June 2006:

GW has told the EU-US summit in Vienna that he "would like to end Guantanamo":

My comment from 10 May copied in below:
"Why is it that these neo-con neo-fascist neo-crusader war criminals (Bushy, Cheney, Rummy,
Condi) always manage to sound (almost) reasonable when they talk to the European media?
Shameless demagogues! GWB could close Guantanomo tomorrow if he really wanted to".

This time he said that at least some of the Guantanamo inmates were "cold-blooded killers
who need to be tried in US courts" because "they will murder somebody if they are let out on
the street."

In that case, why is GW Bush not behind bars? He is, indisputably, a cold-blooded killer who is
directly responsible for the maiming and death of tens of thousands innocent men women and
children in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Instead of inviting him to Vienna for the red carpet treatment, the EU should have flown him in
handcuffs straight to the Hague!!

21 June 2006:

Iraq - the 2 captured US troops killed:

The bodies of the 2 US soldiers captured by insurgents a few days ago have been found,
killed in unpleasant ways and booby-trapped.
Naturally, their families are mourning them. The father of one of them said "Our son died for
the freedom of everybody in the United States" and that his son had seen what he went to Iraq
for as "a job that needed to be done".

Whilst one can readily understand that the bereaved somehow look for positive aspects in order
to believe that their loved ones did not die for nothing, they are tragically fooling themselves.

The freedom of the US was in no way threatened by Saddam Hussein's Iraq (nor by the Taleban's
Afghanistan!), so indisputably it was a job that did not NEED doing but the leadership WANTED it
done as one part of the Project for the New American Century. Also indisputably, americans are
now LESS safe than before the illegal invasion, occupation and installation of suitable puppets,
because they have successfully created even more enemies worldwide than they had before.
They say that stupidity and arrogance go hand in hand. Whatever it is, americans just never
seem to learn...

Hopefully, this little incident will negate any positive effects on american public opinion which
may have resulted from the -equally barbaric- killing by the US military on June 8 of Abu Muzab
al-Zarkawi. If many more gruesome american deaths, plus the combined effect of Abu Ghraib,
Bagram, Ishaqi, Haditha, Guantanamo, extraordinary rendition etc, is what it takes for the
american people to simply stand up and DEMAND the troops home NOW and unconditionally,
then all I can say is, quoting their Commander-in-Chief (in reverse): "Bring them on!".

20 June 2006:

Today is World Refugee Day:

And my thoughts and hopes and wishes are with ALL refugees, that their problems -whatever
the nature of them- will somehow be solved one way or the other, and SOON.....

In particular, my thoughts turn, yet again, to the Palestinians and their terrible plight.
Are they now, since exercising their democratic rights so trumpeted by the West, the first people
in history to simultaneously live under an illegal and brutal occupation and international economic
sanctions?? The world should be thoroughly ashamed of itself!
It is very simple, in the words of the Palestinian Authority's Prime Minister, Hamas' Ismail Haniya:
either a just peace or no peace. Well, who can argue with that (except for Israel, of course)?

Palestinians, I know that you have more important things to do, but I wish that you could all read
my long poem The AXIS of EVIL which is dedicated to you.
And I want to say to you: we are many who care about you and if there is one conflict which
desperately needs to be resolved more than any other, it is your struggle for justice.....

20 June 2006:

Israel to review West Bank barrier route:

In Israel, the Supreme Court has demanded the re-routing of a five km section of the barrier near
the Palestinian town of Qalqilya, saying the barrier route was being used to allow the expansion
of the Jewish settlement of Tzofin.
The court has additional petitions pending from palestinians and human rights organisations
that claim the route is being used to take palestinian lands for settlement expansion in at least
10 locations.
So, to avoid similar rulings by the high court in the future, defence minister Amir Peretz has now
ordered a review of the route, although it is not clear if this review is to cover the whole barrier,
that is, both what is already built and what remains to be built.

The israelis could have saved themselves a lot of trouble and their western donors a lot of money
by building their obscene "apartheid wall" on, or technically immediately west of, the Green Line -
if they had done that, nobody would have been in a position to complain. Since Israel's justification
for the barrier is that tired old catch-all excuse "national security" and officially NOT a land grab,
why did they choose not to route it just inside the Green Line? Well, the answer is obvious:
because it IS a land grab, masquerading dishonestly behind security.

It was no coincidence that in 2004 the International Court of Justice voted overwhelmingly in favour
of the palestinians - 14:1 (one wonders, was the last judge a jew??), but Israel did not take any
notice of that ruling. Does Israel ever take any notice of ANY law??

Instead of always standing up for and protecting and somehow "understanding" Israel's point of
view, -which is invariably being presented as the poor little down-trodden jews who wandered
the world homeless for 2000 years, were so barbarically persecuted by everybody, the Nazis in
particular, so OF COURSE they deserve and must have their very own homeland to the exclusion
of those who lived there before alongside them, and they remain oh-so threatened even today by
all those bloodthirsty brutal arab islamic terrorists- the time is long overdue for the civilized world
to see Israel for what it is: a state based on xenophobia, racism, ethnic cleansing, exclusivity,
'apartheid' and a class system.

It seems to me that the creation of Israel in 1948 was a ghastly mistake and it could have been
clearly foreseen -and probably was by many or most- that it would have tragic and lasting
consequences far beyond the region and in grotesque disproportion to the size of the nation
and the population.
But I accept that, today, Israel is there and I have no problem with that in principle, so long as
Israel behaves in a civilized manner and THAT is the problem: for some reason, Israel seems
simply incapable or unwilling to do that.
Why does the world not tell or force Israel to obey international law?
What is so special about the Jewish State?

19 June 2006:

Afghanistan - welcome to Press Freedom:

Severe restrictions have been placed, reputedly by the intelligence services, on the media in
Afghanistan. One news agency chief says 95% of his stories would be banned under these
new rules.

Not surprisingly, the puppet government of Hamid Karzai is desperately trying to 'square yet another
circle' by insisting that the directive is "entirely consistent with the principles of the freedoms of
speech and press enshrined in the constitution" although, according to the new directive which
runs to 2 pages of restrictions, criticism of Afghanistan's armed forces, the US-led coalition, the
NATO forces, the government's foreign policy will now be banned, as will interviewing, filming or
photographing what it calls terrorist commanders, and news of militant activities, such as suicide
or roadside bombings, may no longer be used as the lead story.

One suspects this comes from the US-led coalition, or rather directly from the US.
In the face of a renewed and much wider and better organized insurgency, America is bracing itself
for a lot of bad news in the months to come, both during and after Operation Mountain Thrust,
which attempts to bring some semblance of "government" control and normality to the restive
southern provinces. No foreign power has EVER been able to subdue the proud and independent
mountain people of Afghanistan (nor Pakistan) and this latest attempt, although it may well bring
some temporary "improvement" which will enable the Coalition of the Killing to pronounce the
campaign a "success for democracy" and another "severe blow to international terrorism" which
will assuredly lead to the promised "total victory" which the war criminals in Washington are still
hallucinating about, whereas the simple truth is that the neo-colonialist ventures in Afghanistan
and Iraq are unwinnable, that is, they are doomed to failure and always were.

19 June 2006:

Italy wants US soldier to stand trial:

In March 2005, italian secret agent Nicola Calipari, 51, was shot dead at a US roadblock while
escorting italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena, who had been released by kidnappers in Iraq.
The two sides' reports of the tragic incident differed widely, and also, and potentially very seriously,
Italy found that a proper inquiry had been made impossible because vehicles were removed and
army logs destroyed just after the shooting.

The italians now want the Marine to stand trial for murder and attempted murder.
Whatever the outcome, it will not bring back a man who, by all accounts, acted with total disregard
for his own safety on that fateful day.

Reopening this issue also serves as another nail in the coffin of the US-Italy relationship, which
has been going from bad to worse in recent months.

19 June 2006:

US warship built from 9/11 steel:

Yes, that's correct: a new billion-dollar warship, to be called the 'USS New York' and to be
launched in 2008, is under construction on the Mississippi River.
What is special about it is that part of the vessel's bow has been forged from World Trade Center
steel. Commander Chris Mercer, a US Naval Officer who has been following the project since its
inception, said:
"The sanctity and strength of all the victims, the first responders and their family members is really
forged in the bow of this ship. For the next 40 years that bow will lead this ship in projecting naval
power all over the globe in our global fight against terrorism".

Critics of the project have said using steel from a terrorist attack in a warship could send out the
wrong message.
Families who lost people on 11 September 2001 generally appear to support the gesture.
One man, whose brother died in the attacks said: "I do think it is appropriate. You look at what
Americans do; they do tend to use their ships and their military as a place of high honour, so it
makes my brother's death at least an honourable one".

What a load of Hollywood make-believe, daydreaming, wishful thinking and utter rubbish!!

Ah, so some of the steel was actually saved! As we know, the vast majority of it, which came
down in most convenient lengths around 10m, was quickly loaded unto trucks and shipped to
the Far East and melted down, so precluding any forensic examination, although it is a federal
offence to remove ANY evidence from a disaster or crime site!
As must by now be obvious to anyone who believes in the laws of physics, from evidence freely
available to all who have access to the Internet, those buildings - WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7 -
were artificially brought down in expertly planned and exquisitely precise controlled demolitions.
There is no other explanation. That fact alone proves that Sept. 11 was, at the very least partially
and probably entirely, an inside job. The terrorists who attacked America that day can be found
in the White House and the Pentagon and murder charges for around 3,000 persons should be
brought against the occupants immediately.
And the civilized world should launch a 'War on Terror' against America, or at the very least
isolate and shun this ultimate rogue nation and declare all its citizens personae non grata and
demand they return to and remain on american soil.

17 June 2006:

North Korea ready to test missile:

Japan and the US have issued new warnings to North Korea not to proceed with a possible
test firing of a new long-range missile, believed to have a designed range of 6,000 km,
which could reach the western US.
Such "provocative action would lead to further isolation from the international community"
the US envoy said.

Same old story, same sickening hypocrisy: it is OK for America to keep the finger on the nuclear
button, 7/24, with more or less worldwide reach through ICBMs, planes, ships, submarines and
thus ultimately hold humanity to ransom but the moment anyone prepares to counter the inherent
threat, even on a small scale, America squeals and howls in protest, although the efforts of nations
like North Korea and Iran are just as legitimate as those of the US and, of course, the more
America postures, bullies and threatens, the more it legitimizes an already legitimate quest by
those nations.

America's argument is that "rogue states" should neither possess nuclear weapons nor the
systems to deliver them. And who determines which nation is "rogue" and which is not??
America, of course! By any reasonable definition of the term "rogue state", America and Israel
are the world's finest examples and both are also, disturbingly, nuclear weapons states.
By America's own rules, therefore, the world should disarm America and Israel of nuclear weapons.
I have no doubts that the world would be a much safer place as a result.

15 June 2006:

US Iraq dead reaches 2500:

The number of US troops killed in Iraq has reached 2,500 with the death of a marine,
the Pentagon has announced.

"It's important to remember that there is a mission, and there is a greater good which sometimes
necessitates tremendous sacrifice," said the US army's Brig Gen Carter Ham.
"Rather than focus on an aggregate number, I think it's more important for us to remember that
there are individuals in that aggregate number... to whom we should be very, very grateful, and
to their families."

Does anyone -including americans- still believe any of those romantic heroic lies??

And what is the REAL figure please? Surely much higher!

Whilst wishing nobody dead (well, with one or two exceptions!), if many more US war dead
is what it takes for the american state terrorists to leave Iraq, then the more the merrier and
the sooner the better.

14 June 2006:

Palestinian FM brings the cash:

FM Mahmoud Zahhar has returned from a trip abroad, entering Gaza from Egypt, with $20M
in cash from arab donor countries in his luggage. This is the second time he has done it.
What a good man, I salute you!
If the "civilized world" does not want to help the Hamas government, democratically elected with
an absolute majority, what are they supposed to do? Many arab banks have been threatened
with punitive measures by America if they channel money to the palestinian government, so they
have to be creative.
Given Hamas' enviable past record of being clean, we can assume that this money will benefit
the palestinians generally and I hope the FM will enjoy many more safe homecomings.

14 June 2006:

Abu-Bakr Bashir released from prison:

The indonesian cleric implicated -and convicted- in the Bali bombings was released from prison
today after serving 26 months. Both America and Australia have already expressed their "deep
concern and frustration" at the release and presumably would have wished him to remain locked
up forever.
The point surely is this: he was tried, sentenced and punished according to Indonesian law,
and now, having served his sentence, he is released. That is exactly as it should be in a civilized
In grotesque contrast, America incarcerates hundreds in legal limbo for years without charges or
access to legal representation, all under the obscene cover of "homeland security" and "the war
on terror". When anyone complains, they are collectively described as "dangerous enemy
combatants", yet, many have now been released without any charges: clearly those were NOT
classified correctly! How is America, the shining beacon of freedom democracy justice and
humanity's last great hope, planning to compensate all those wrongly imprisoned??

The only thing which will improve the situation between the islamic world and the West is for the
collective West incl. Israel to start behaving like civilized human beings, should they be able to do
so which, given past and current atrocities, we are entitled to seriously doubt.

Australia's PM has already written to his indonesian counterpart to formally request that Bashir be
"monitored closely" and he said that "the inflammatory statements that he has made in support
of extremism since he has been released have been deeply offensive". Really?

This is what Bashir said:
"I believe the militants' moves were wrong because they used bombs in a safe zone.
In a peaceful area, they should just preach.
However, they are fighters whose intention is defending Islam which has been assailed by the
US and its allies who fight against Islam everywhere.
If people attack Islam, like the United States and its lackeys have done, they have clearly attacked
Islam, so we have an obligation to hate them. Thank God. That is God's blessing. As Muslims,
we hate the United States because of God. The United States hates us because of emotion".

If this is extremism, then what do you call it when some nations invade, occupy and install their
puppet regimes in sovereign nations which were no imminent threat to them, causing the maiming
and the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children and general mayhem
and destruction which will take a decade or more to rectify?
That is what America and its lackeys -including Australia- in the Coalition of the Killing did to
Afghanistan and Iraq. What do you call that if not precisely EXTREMISM???
It is also, of course, terrorism - state terrorism on a massive scale and no different in nature
to the atrocities perpetrated by the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

13 June 2006:

The latest Israeli airstrike in Gaza:

Another war crime by the terrorist state Israel. It is TOTALLY unacceptable for Israel to use
airstrikes in this way because it is almost inevitable that not only the intended target will be hit,
therefore causing injury and death to innocent bystanders.

Whether these are technically war crimes, I don't know, morally they certainly are.
Even eliminating wanted targets in this way amounts to extra-judicial killings, which are illegal.
When will the world tell -and force- Israel to abide by all the conventions it has signed?

So long as the illegal occupation continues, the palestinians have every right to resist that illegal
occupation with whatever means they have.
It is clearly a losing battle, it may be both futile and counter-productive but, in their place,
what would YOU do?

13 June 2006:

GWBs flying visit to Baghdad:

Amazing isn't it: Bush enters Iraq unannounced and the new "democratically elected" PM is
given 5 minutes notice that GWB is there and would like a word. Maliki should have told him
to call back another day! Now at least it is official: Iraq is NOT a sovereign nation!
The 'Arab Facade' might finally look almost plausible but only to fools and to those who are
deaf and dumb. To the rest of us it is crystal clear that America is in charge, and America and
its allies in that unholy -and mercifully crumbling- Coalition of the Killing are responsible for
all the death and destruction in Iraq.

Apparently, the purpose of this visit was to 'enhance the profile and credibility' of both Maliki
himself and the, excuse me, "unity" government but surely it can only have the exact opposite
effect: to exhibit the PM and his govt to Iraq and to the world for precisely what they are -
America's puppets.
If GWB truly wished to help the Iraqi people he would stay far away from Baghdad and the new
so-called PM - as it is, Bush's visit must be like a kiss of death for Maliki.....

13 June 2006:

The EU Parliament vote on Guantanamo:

That the EU Parliament has voted overwhelmingly to urge America to close Guantanamo
without delay is of course welcome news but also the usual EU way of "too little too late".

Why could a vote on this not have been taken years ago when the bad news first transpired?

And are we now going to have a Euro MP vote on "extraordinary rendition" which has directly
affected many EU member states?

11 June 2006:

The 3 suicides in Guantanamo:

Incredibly, these suicides have been described as "acts of war" by the US military!
Here is Superpower America, feeling threatened by unarmed people detained illegally for years
without any charges having been brought against them.
Further proof that America is the most paranoid, perverse and obscene nation on earth, void of
any compassion, empathy and humanity.

And how can we be sure they were really suicides? Good muslims do NOT commit suicide,
it is expressly forbidden. Also, how did they manage to prepare the acts when the guards are
instructed to monitor each prisoner every 2 minutes?? All very strange.....

10 June 2006:

Bush meets Rasmussen at Camp David:

(Danish PM Anders Fogh Rasmussen).
So, another cordial meeting between these 2 war criminals and terrorists.
I just want the world to know that whatever Denmark does on behalf of the US and the Coalition
of the Killing and NATO in Afghanistan and Iraq is NOT IN MY NAME!
All danish troops (Iraq c 500, Afghanistan c 350) should be brought home from those 2 countries

The more the Danish PM cozies up to GWB, the surer it is that one day, probably during morning
rush hour, a series of bombs will rip through Copenhagen...
And no doubt resulting in the same indignant surprise as in Madrid and London:
why here? why us?
Only fools do not know the answer.....

9 June 2006:

Murder on the beach:

Yet again we are confronted with the reality of Israel: this time shelling a family for an outing on
the beach in Gaza on their day off, 7 killed, among them 2 women and 3 children, about 30
wounded. Israel is proving again and again with its illegal and barbaric acts of institutionalized
state terrorism that it has long since forfeited its right to exist.

Of course Israel will promise to look into the matter and of course the world will take no action -
are there still people who do not understand why there are suicide bombers??

And those suicide bombers, in turn, will of course give Israel the wanted excuse, all under the
obscene cover of security, for carrying on in the same ways with impunity: using women and
children as target practice, building illegal "apartheid" barriers on illegally occupied land, illegally
settling its own people (around 400,000), illegally carrying out extra-judicial killings, illegally
destroying homes and crops as collective punishment, illegally using grossly excessive force etc,
all in complete and grotesque violation of the Geneva Conventions to which Israel is a signatory.
When will the world take action against Israel??

In the words of the poet PB Shelley: Wail! For the World is wrong!

All nations and individuals supporting Israel are at least partially guilty of these tragic atrocities -
are YOU one of them??

Long live Hamas! Free Palestine!!

8 June 2006:

Abu Muzab al-Zarkawi is dead:

At least this time the incompetent americans got the right house but note that a handful of
others also were killed, including one woman and one child. Were they guilty simply by being there?
Would it not have been possible to surround the house and kill more selectively, if at all, rather than
just smashing everything with a few bombs from the relative safety of an aircraft?
The americans quite simply are savages.

Predictably, GWB, was gloating, saying:
"The ideology of terror has lost one of its most visible and aggressive leaders".
Maybe, but only one of them: the biggest terrorist of them all is sadly still around - GWB himself!
Any rational examination will reveal striking similarities between these two, In terms of disrespect
for human life and so on, but of course in terms of actual suffering and destruction successfully
caused, Zarkawi was an absolute beginner and a pathetic underachiever compared with the
current american leadership.
One glaring difference however was the brutal honesty with which Zarkawi stated his objectives
compared with the compulsive lies coming from GWB about bringing freedom and democracy etc.

Donald Rumsfeld said:
"I think arguably over the past several years no single person on this planet has had the
blood of more innocent men, women and children on his hands".
Excuse me, where on earth have you been these last years? The evil gang of neo-cons
neo-fascists neo-Crusaders leading America down the road to Hell is DIRECTLY responsible
for the maiming and the death of tens and tens of thousand innocent people in Afghanistan
and Iraq - men, women and children whose only "crime" was to be home in their own country
when the Great Satan pounced.

Similar idiotic comments could be heard from their sad lackeys around the world,
this from afghan president Hamid Karzai:
"Zarqawi's death is not the end of terrorism in the world, but a significant step in ridding the
world of the menace of terrorism. This success should encourage us all, both in the Muslim
world and beyond, to continue and step up our common fight against terrorism".
Excuse me, what are you talking about? The so-called "War on Terror" was NOT imposed on
America - it was openly longed-for and clearly designed, engineered and manufactured,
'Made in the USA', deliberately in order to facilitate the implementation of the Project for the
New American Century, which appeared to become a real possibility with the collapse of the
Soviet Empire.
The most obscene aspect of that "war" is that it is being sold to the public as a mixture of
indignant self-defense and benign liberation, whereas in truth it is a pathologically brutal
re-engineering of the world for entirely selfish ends - we are witnessing the biggest mass
deception scheme since the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

The "War on Terror", to the extent that there is one, is so obviously unwinnable but that does
not stop GWB hallucinating "We will accept nothing less than complete victory!" - excuse me,
victory over WHAT?? Over the paranoid fears in your sick minds maybe?

By the way, why did it take "the world's finest military" (GWB) SO long to find Zarkawi?

Zarkawi may be dead but the biggest terrorist is still at large and we know precisely where
HE is so why don't we simply go get him? GW Bush, White House, Washington DC, USA.
All the death and destruction in Iraq is a direct result of the illegal and brutal invasion and it
will continue until ALL foreign soldiers have left voluntarily, been driven out or killed.

Or have we all been fooled: maybe this raid and its dramatic results were simply the latest
made-to-measure make-believe lies to come out of a Hollywood Special Effects Dept??
You can never be sure with the americans...

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